Paul here 🙂

The idea behind Cohere came to me after a prolonged period of ‘no thinking’…

And I’ve come to realize others have experienced this too… It’s one of the most effective ways to ‘receive’ inspired ideas aligned with your deepest calling.

I remember the moment vividly.

It was January 2019, and I was walking down a street near my home in Phoenix.

I was being my purest self – formless presence – enjoying the senses and seeing life without thinking.

Anyone can learn how to do this, how to be free inside. To flow, be content with nothing, and treasure the energy of being alive.

And that’s when the inspiration for Cohere came to me.

A powerful vision arrived that ultimately brought tears to my eyes.

Four years later, this vision has powered our exponential progress.

We have raised millions in funding from conscious investors and grown a global team and global network of conscious coaches, healers, and teachers transforming the world.

When I think about what made this process so different versus ‘trying’ or ‘forcing’ business ideas and solutions…

I was able to tap into a restful, calm, and fully-satisfied state…

And then BOOM – powerful ideas beyond me and my ego arrive in service of the ‘WE’…

Many of us are striving day in and day out to get our businesses up, running, and growing.

And at times, there’s a lot of mental forcing. We push business progress and traction.

And my theory is…

This forcing might be stopping us from manifesting the things we need to achieve our goals.

However the more we get to relax into our formless essence… to be present right now without stress, desire and anxious thoughts… to love the ‘now’ without thinking…

The more we open up to our greater manifestations and opportunities.

This is when work gets to be fun. And while it can be intense at times, in a good way… the intensity is channeled from inspiration instead of forced from the mind.

As you execute your business vision and impact lives…

Consider that deep mastery of business and consistent inspired execution may lie in learning the art of relaxing into your formless presence.

This is a safe and infinitely empowering location for the HQ of your business.

From here, we unearth breakthroughs that create exponential progress and give us the space to persevere through any form of adversity.

– Paul

P.S. If you’d like to learn more about Cohere and growing your coaching business, here are some ways we can help: 

1. Learn more about Cohere platform, the all-in-one place to create, launch and sell your coaching services, programs, memberships, courses and more. 

2. Book a demo with Anette Oran, Co-Founder of Cohere and see how Cohere can help scale your coaching business.

3. Discover the Cohere Academy – created for coaches, healers, online service providers to level up, gain new skills and impact their tribe. 

4. Get access to our Free Training: How to Launch & Scale your Online Offers with Ease here